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Showing posts from December, 2006

Blue sky vs applied research

So, one of the topics that has come up from time to time concerns so-called Blue-sky research versus applied research. The image of a blue sky research project is one of a researcher or small group of researchers having fun dreaming up some cool technology but with no relation to the real world. I have always been a little uncomfortable with this distinction. The reasons are two-fold: in my experience, the time-scales associated with a project bear no direct relation to whether the research is 'blue sky' or 'applied'; secondly the actual work done in a research project may be incremental or grand in both blue sky and applied. (In fact, given the general reluctance of people to fund blue sky research, they tend to be smaller and less grand than applied projects.) So, here is a different, more grounded distinction that, I believe, is more authentic: Bottom-up versus top-down research. Bottom-up means, of course, exploring from what you have and seeing if there are any ser...

OASIS Service Oriented Architecture Reference Architecture Face to Face

And if you make it past the title ... This week we had a face-to-face meeting of the RA group. About 10-12 people popped in at some time during the meeting, with a hard core of 7 or 8. I think that the work is still not at the Jello stage, but we are beginning to get there. This is not yet reflected in the written work, but there will be three main sections, each of which represents a major viewpoint on the reference architecture: Business as Service view Realizing Service Oriented Architecture Owning Service Oriented Architecture The first view focuses on the how people fit into the SOA; the second focuses on how you put one together, and the third focuses on keeping one going. I am particularly happy with this kind of breakdown, as I believe it reflects customers' true concerns.